Luoyang Jinlu held an enlarged meeting of the general party branch committee members in April

Classification: Party building dynamics

Classification: Party building brand

Classification: Party building knowledge

Classification: Discipline Inspection Column

Author:    Source:    Release time:2018-08-14 17:15:22.000

Visits: 114

【Summary Description 】 On April 24, 2018, the enlarged meeting of the members of the Luoyang Jinlu Party General Branch was successfully held under the chairmanship of the general branch secretary Xie Yifeng. The meeting collectively reviewed the development and completion of the company’s recent important party building work, and passed the company’s second party branch. The design plan for the construction of the party building position. Among them, Secretary Xie emphasized that the plan design for the construction of the party building positions of each branch should highlight the characteristics of the branch, and pay attention to the high integration of party building work with the company's production and construction. The use of party building funds is uniformly controlled by the party branch and strictly in accordance with the company's party building funding approval process. Expense review and expenditure.

On April 24, 2018, the enlarged meeting of the members of the Luoyang Jinlu Party General Branch was successfully held under the chairmanship of the general branch secretary Xie Yifeng. The meeting collectively reviewed the development and completion of the company’s recent important party building work, and passed the company’s second party branch. The design plan for the construction of the party building position. Among them, Secretary Xie emphasized that the plan design for the construction of the party building positions of each branch should highlight the characteristics of the branch, and pay attention to the high integration of party building work with the company's production and construction. The use of party building funds is uniformly controlled by the party branch and strictly in accordance with the company's party building funding approval process. Expense review and expenditure.

At the end of the meeting, all members discussed collectively according to the requirements of the group’s party committee: the main content of Luoyang Jinlu’s “133” party building working mechanism, focusing on the four aspects of party member development procedures, party building system improvement, party member activity effectiveness, and party member ideological building mechanisms content. In the next stage, Luoyang Jinlu will start the formulation of the "133 Party Building Working Mechanism".


Luoyang Jinlu held an enlarged meeting of the general party branch committee members in April

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