Explore the historical footsteps

Classification: Party building dynamics

Classification: Party building brand

Classification: Party building knowledge

Classification: Discipline Inspection Column

Author:    Source:    Release time:2018-08-14 17:19:13.000

Visits: 123

【Summary Description 】 On the occasion of the 97th Party Building Day, according to the study plan of the Luoyang Jinlu Party General Branch in 2018, under the leadership of Comrade Zhao Dongyin, the Secretary of the First Party Branch, under the careful organization and cooperation of the company’s general affairs department, all Party members took a special car to the Eighth Route Army Office in Los Angeles (hereinafter referred to as the Los Angeles Office) to carry out an on-site study and inspection activity in pursuit of the "initial heart".

On the occasion of the 97th Party Building Day, according to the study plan of the Luoyang Jinlu Party General Branch in 2018, under the leadership of Comrade Zhao Dongyin, the Secretary of the First Party Branch, under the careful organization and cooperation of the company’s general affairs department, all Party members took a special car to the Eighth Route Army Office in Los Angeles (hereinafter referred to as the Los Angeles Office) to carry out an on-site study and inspection activity in pursuit of the "initial heart".


Explore the historical footsteps


During the study and inspection period, through collective visits to the revolutionary site, comprehensive exhibition hall, old site restoration exhibition hall, etc., I experienced the hard work and living environment of the revolutionary period and the determination to join the anti-Japanese national salvation movement. Through the records of texts and pictures, the display of cultural relics, and the touching stories, the thoughts of all party members have been brought back to the revolutionary war era. Everyone has a deep appreciation of the indomitable and hard-working revolutionary spirit of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries. And noble feelings. All party members jointly launched an activity to answer the knowledge of party building. In the face of the party flag, we solemnly swear to review the oath of joining the party and re-follow the original intention of joining the party.


Explore the historical footsteps


Through on-site visits and studies, all party members said that this is a special party class and a spiritual baptism. As a party member, you must always remember the oath of joining the party under the party's banner, never forget your original aspiration, fear hardship, work hard, and make new achievements in ordinary jobs!

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