【Party Building Garden】"Life is a long road, integrity will always accompany each other" - Luoyang Jinlu launched the 2022 Clean Practitioner Education Publicity Month series of activities

Classification: Company News

Author:    Source:    Release time:2022-09-21 11:29:06.000

Visits: 109

【Summary Description 】

In order to welcome the smooth convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party, thoroughly implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party and the 6th Plenary Session of the 19th Central Discipline Inspection Commission, promote the construction of a clean and honest culture in Xiamen in the new era, and further create a clean and healthy corporate culture, the General Branch of the Luoyang Jinlu Party conscientiously implemented the work requirements of the Group Discipline Inspection Commission on the 2022 Honest Practice Education Publicity Month, and launched the 2022 Clean Practice Education Publicity Month series of activities in August.

Edutainment and education, education in the heart

In order to allow the company's employees to fully participate in the integrity education activities, the party general branch used the lunch break to carry out the clean and fun word puzzle activity in the company's canteen. On the day of the event, nearly 100 employees drew clean anagram cards, and everyone guessed the corresponding answer after careful consideration. This activity is fun and educational, while guiding employees to learn about integrity, it also creates a good atmosphere in the whole company that everyone knows and everyone is honest.

Those who look at honesty think, and those who think honestly are clear

The General Branch of the Party led the party members and representatives of all branches to go to the Luoyang Municipal Honesty Culture Publicity and Education Center to carry out the activities of observing honesty and thinking honesty. Following the guidance of the docent of the Propaganda and Education Center for Honesty and Honesty, everyone visited the five-part exhibition in turn, "The Wind and Sails Are Full of Honesty, the Lianyuan River Luoyao Huaxia, the High Mountain Scenery Xingqingfang, the Stirring up the Qing Kuang Zhengqi, and the Divine Thousand Miles and Miles of Chaohui." Through detailed historical materials and a large number of documentary photos, the party members studied the historical origins of China's clean and honest culture and the anti-corruption process since the founding of the Communist Party of China. The important expositions of party and state leaders on the building of party style and clean government and the rules and regulations of party discipline and government discipline, as well as the achievements made in the building of party style and clean government and the anti-corruption struggle in Luoyang City in recent years.

Promote honesty through learning and plant honesty in the heart

In order to promote honesty through study, the general branch of the party organized a party class on honesty for new cadres. Comrade Jing Chaohui, member of the Discipline Inspection Committee of the General Branch of the Cpc Central Committee, expounded the importance and urgency of the honesty and self-discipline of party members and cadres from three aspects: "Interpretation of the Spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Discipline Inspection Commission, the Characteristics and Inducements of the New Manifestation of the Four Winds, and the Methods for Governing and Strengthening the Cultivation and Tempering of Party Spirit in the New Era" with the theme of "Continuously Promoting the Clean and Healthy Conduct of The Work Style on the New Journey." This theme party lesson not only strengthened the ideological awareness of the new leading cadres to practice honestly and honestly, but also reminded all party members and leading cadres to always be vigilant, always tighten the string of abiding by discipline and law, earnestly enhance their ability to resist corruption and guard against degeneration, and carry out all work with a good mental outlook and a solid work style.



Advocate honesty, stress honesty, and know honesty and honesty

The general branch of the party has carried out the collection and selection of works of "calligraphy and painting heirloom style", guiding everyone to understand and master the knowledge of honesty and honesty through various works, and at the same time organizing each branch to carry out a clean reading salon to further strengthen bottom-line thinking and guide all party members to establish correct values and professional outlook by studying honest warning cases. In addition, the General Branch of the Party makes full use of various publicity channels such as public accounts, electronic screens, banners, posters and canteen television to strengthen the education and publicity of honest work, aiming to educate the people around them with the things around them, so that everyone can deeply understand the importance of honest work, and better inherit the fine tradition of hard work and honesty and honesty in Xiamen.

This series of activities to educate and publicize honest and honest practice instilled the spirit and culture of honest work into the hearts of every party member and the masses, enhanced everyone's ideological awareness of honest work and the red line awareness of preventing corruption and resisting change, and at the same time guided everyone to remain sober at all times, effectively implement the concept of clean practice into work and life, and continuously promote clean and healthy conduct, providing a strong guarantee for the company's high-quality development.

Photo: Miao Bo, Enterprise Management Department
      Audit: Enterprise Management Department Jing Chaohui
      Typesetting: Li Rihua, Enterprise Management Department


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