【Anhuan Topic】Emergency plan for high-altitude falls

Classification: Company News

Author:    Source:    Release time:2022-09-21 10:31:58.000

Visits: 107

【Summary Description 】

Lean on-site safety assurance

                                                                    Author: Zhang Shuxian 
                                                          Review: Li Wang 

In order to implement the instructions for the establishment of the group's secondary safety production standardization system, implement the company's annual safety production emergency plan drill plan, consolidate the foundation of safety production emergency management, and promote the improvement of lean production site management level; Effectively implement the enterprise"people-oriented, life first; Safety first, prevention first" work philosophy. Combined with the current production status of the workshop, the Hard Surface Materials Manufacturing Department carried out an emergency drill on the scene disposal plan of the spray tower cleaning high-altitude fall accident on the afternoon of August 29, 2022.
     The drill was conducted by Li Wang, director of the business department, as the general commander, Zhang Shuxian, the department safety commissioner, as the on-site command, all the emergency teams participated, and Lu Hao, manager of the safety and environmental protection department, and Yang Hongbo, section chief, were invited to give on-site guidance.
The emergency drill links are as follows:

One. Accident report: simulation operator Guo Zhan will wash the tower when slipping off the ladder, the hook is loose and directly falls to the bottom of the tower, another operator immediately reported to the post squad leader and technical cadres after discovery, the squad leader immediately ordered the water and power outage, organized the team members to implement rescue, and reported to the department commander at the same time.

Two. Emergency response: The commander-in-chief rushed to the scene to check the situation after receiving the emergency information of the accident, immediately notified the emergency response team to start the emergency plan, and the safety commissioner immediately organized rescue and dialed the 120 emergency number.    

Three. Emergency disposal: Ma Yongfa, Wang Yi, etc. of the emergency action team rescued the injured from the scene and transferred them to the safe area on stretchers; Trauma or fracture caused by the fall, a long time in the restricted space, and shock at the time of rescue; Medical rescue team leader Wang Yanling and others carried out debridement, fracture splint fixation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation to the injured until the injured person's heart and lungs returned to normal; Subsequently, the safety officer explained the key points and precautions of each treatment method, and arranged other personnel on the scene to learn in practice.

      1. Use a stretcher to transfer from the platform to a safe area

    2. The front ties of the wound stop bleeding, disinfect the drug after disinfection, and bandage the treatment

    3. Fracture splint fixation

  4. Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation for the injured and wait for medical rescue and send them to the doctor

 Four. Walkthrough summary

After the drill, Lu Manager of the Safety and Environmental Protection Department gave an evaluation to the drill: affirming the active participation of the hard surface material manufacturing department personnel and the tacit understanding between the action groups; At the same time, it also makes suggestions for the selection of seat belt models and hooks in various places, and the need to understand the injury when assisting the injured.

Finally, Li Wang, technical director of the hard surface material manufacturing department, supplemented and summarized the drill, requiring the safety and effectiveness of the tools to be checked before washing the tower, determining the temperature in the tower, and the rescue methods for the personnel in the tower after the accident. At the same time, it is also required to treat the drill as a real battle, and each employee must be skilled in dealing with temporary problems that may be encountered, and improve the ability to deal with emergencies; Each post controls the risk points and implements the three-level safety inspection and safety log; Enhance safety awareness, everyone establish the concept of I want to be safe; Provide a strong guarantee for the safe production of the company and the department.



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