【Anhuan Topic】Luoyang Jinlu carried out a large-scale inspection of safety production before the Mid-Autumn Festival

Classification: Company News

Author:    Source:    Release time:2022-09-21 10:14:01.000

Visits: 89

【Summary Description 】

In order to effectively do a good job in the safety production work during the "Mid-Autumn Festival", on September 9, 2022, organized by Yang Yue, general manager of the company, Liu Peng, general manager of the rock drilling engineering tools division, and Zhang Guofeng, general manager of the hard surface materials division, led the team to conduct a safety inspection before the "Mid-Autumn Festival" in various departments of the company. The safety and environmental department, the equipment department and the relevant personnel of each manufacturing department participated in the inspection.

The pre-holiday safety hazard inspection focused on the company's various departments of fire protection, epidemic prevention, construction safety, holiday production safety and other related work item by item, further implementing the company's safety management responsibility, reducing and eliminating the possibility of various accidents. At the same time, in order to enhance the safety awareness of the company's personnel, the Ministry of Safety and Environment organized the safety officers of various departments to hold a special safety meeting on the afternoon of September 9, and informed the hidden dangers of electricity, fire protection, outsourcing construction, and on-site visualization found by the inspectors in the field inspection, and put forward clear rectification requirements.
Comrade Yang Yue, general manager of the company, put forward clear requirements for this safety work: First, take this safety inspection as an opportunity to strictly implement the responsibility for safety management and avoid the emergence of a management vacuum; Second, for the hidden dangers and problems that appear in the inspection, it is necessary to formulate rectification measures, rectify within a time limit, and be reviewed by the Ministry of Safety and Environment in a timely manner to achieve complete closure and effectively eliminate hidden dangers; The third is to attach great importance to fire safety and construction safety work, to rectify the problems and hidden dangers found out in a timely manner, and to grasp all safety work in the spirit of being highly responsible for employees.

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