【Lean Topic】Luoyang Jinlu IAM Intermediate Lean Division Defense Review Meeting was successfully concluded

Classification: Company News

Author:    Source:    Release time:2022-09-21 10:53:27.000

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【Summary Description 】

On the afternoon of August 26, 2022, Luoyang Jinlu IAM Intermediate Lean Division Defense Review Meeting was successfully concluded, and Yang Yue, General Manager Assistant of the Company, Jing Chaohui, Assistant General Manager, Dang Xiaodong, Production Technology Director of Rock Drilling Engineering Tools Division, Feng Shasha, Manager of Human Resources Department, and Han Tuwen, Several Science and Technology Consultants, attended and served as judges of the review meeting.

Before the start of the defense, Feng Shasha, manager of the human resources department, gave a detailed explanation of the Xiamen Tungsten International Advanced Manufacturing Talent Training Program and the review rules for the intermediate lean division defense.

      According to the "Xiamen Tungsten International Advanced Manufacturing Talent Training Program", after 8 months of practical training camp training, written examination, courseware development, course transfer, reading notes and project practice, a total of 18 intermediate lean division students finally entered the defense stage, and the intermediate lean division students made a defense report on the projects or topics related to the improvement of their own IA.

1. Wonderful defense collection

They made defense reports on product quality improvement, product efficiency improvement, working hour output improvement, customer complaint quality improvement, product manufacturing cycle improvement, one-time pass rate improvement and customer complaint process optimization.
       After the end of the defense, the company's leaders commented on the defense.
Jing Zong, the company's IAM commander-in-chief, said: In the defense of the intermediate lean division, everyone basically achieved the expected project results according to the projects they led or participated in, and hoped that they could all become the first batch of IAM intermediate lean masters in Luoyang Jinlu and become the seeders and communicators of lean production.

2. Jing total review


3. Mr. Yang's comments

Yang Yue, general manager of the company, affirmed the results of the defense of the intermediate lean division and said: The defense should fully demonstrate the project results of its participation, talent training, improvement cases of lean site and the next step of work measures, this defense is not only the score score of 18 intermediate lean division students, but also the test of the application of 18 intermediate lean division students to the international advanced manufacturing advanced methods and tools in practical work. At the same time, I also wish you all excellent results in the defense.

At this point, the Luoyang Jinlu IAM Intermediate Lean Division Defense Review Meeting was successfully concluded, and this defense was the first relevant activity on the certification of intermediate lean division held by Luoyang Jinlu, which provided strength for the broadcast of Luoyang Jinlu lean production concept and provided talent guarantee for the development of Luoyang Jinlu Lean Production.

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